Tuesday, September 15, 2009

6 days old

Our first few days home have been both wonderful and exhausting. Kate has slept all day and been up ALL night! Finally, last night she started to shift her time clock and she only woke up for night time feedings. We would also like to thank who ever invented the sound machine. Not only did Kate sleep well last night, Claire and I had a hard time waking up to feed and change her because we were sleeping so hard.

Yesterday we took Kate out for her first doctor's visit. She has obviously been eating very well, because she is already 2 ounces over her birth weight. Since we were already downtown for the doctor, we took Kate out for her first trip on the downtown mall. My Dad joined us for a quick lunch at Eppies and Claire and Kate were able to take their first major walk outside. Both Claire and Kate did really well, but they over-did-it and they were both exhausted later.

Today, we put Kate down on her little play mat to try and keep her awake for a little while and she seemed to enjoy herself. Mostly, she just stared at the mirror over her...with a face like that, how could you blame her! We also gave her a bath at home and I received numerous dirty looks (forgive the pun), as she enjoyed the hot water but did not like being scrubbed. Despite the bath time reactions, we did get some really cute pictures after her bath.

I have posted more pictures on the website and have added a video below (Baby Kate gave her Auntie Ashley in Africa a shout out!). Thank you all for your continued prayers and support!

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